Braces brackets hold the archwire that helps move your teeth during braces treatment, but orthodontic bands anchor that archwire, among other appliances. Orthodontic bands shouldn’t be confused with elastic bands. These metal bands wrap around your back molars and stabilize orthodontic appliances.
What exactly are orthodontic bands, and who needs them during orthodontic treatment? At Smiles By the Bay, we use orthodontic bands to hold appliances such as tongue cribs and braces. Let’s explore this important tool in your braces treatment!
What Are Bands for Braces?
Braces bands, also called molar bands, ortho bands, or orthodontic bands, are metal bands that encircle one of the molars in the back of the mouth. One or two bands may be placed on the back molars on each side of the upper and lower teeth.
You may not get molar bands with the first visit. We may place spacers between your back molars to increase the spaces between the teeth and make slipping the band around your molar easier. You’ll wear the spacers for about a week. We ask that you don’t floss or eat sticky foods that could pull out the spacer.
Once there is enough space, we will clean and dry your molar. We will paint a bonding agent or orthodontic cement on your tooth and place the molar band. After a few minutes, the bonding agent should be dry enough to hold the band in place.
How Are Molar Bands Used?
Braces bands for molars are used to hold the archwires for your braces. The archwires connect all the braces brackets and provide the gentle pressure that moves your teeth.
Molar bands for braces have small tubes connected to the side. The end of the archwire slides into this tube. The band wraps around the molar, ensuring the pressure of the archwire doesn’t pull the tube off your tooth.
As your teeth move, the archwire may slide out the back of the tubes. If they start poking you, just use your braces wax, also called orthodontic wax or dental wax, to cover the tubes on your molar bands. We can trim the archwires during your next checkup.
Difference Between Orthodontic Bands and Elastic Bands
You’ve probably heard of rubber bands for braces and elastics for braces. Are they the same as ortho bands for braces? Nope! All three are different.
Rubber bands typically refer to the bands that connect the upper teeth to the lower teeth and help shift the jaws to better align them.
While elastics are also rubber, they’re smaller than rubber bands and perform a different function. Elastics usually refer to the tiny, colorful bands that wrap around your braces brackets and hold your archwire in place.
Both of these differ from the orthodontic bands that encircle your molars.
How Else Are Molar Bands Used?
Molar bands can be used for more than just anchoring your braces. You may also get molar bands as part of an orthodontic appliance, such as a tongue crib or rake. These devices reposition your tongue and help prevent habits like tongue thrusting or thumbsucking, which can damage your teeth.
Some orthodontic bands have hooks and can be used with rubber bands to repair posterior crossbites. Ortho bands can also be used with a Forsus spring device, which helps correct an overbite by moving the lower jaw forward and the upper jaw backward.
How to Care for Molar Bands
Orthodontic bands need the same type of care as the rest of your braces.
- Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can pull off your molar band or cause it to bend or break.
- Avoid foods like popcorn or small seeds that can get stuck in your bands.
- Clean your bands thoroughly by routinely flossing and brushing your teeth.
- Use a water flosser to remove food particles and plaque from around your bands, but don’t use it in place of dental floss. Brush and floss your teeth as well.
- Use an over-the-counter pain reliever if your teeth and gums are sore the first few days.
- Don’t chew on objects like pens or pencils that could dislodge your bands.
- Contact us right away if your band becomes loose or damaged or if it pops off.
- Contact us if your molar bands are hurting your gums when you bite. We may need to readjust their position.
Braces Treatment in Annapolis, MD
Expect to get orthodontic bands if you’re getting braces. Though they may feel strange for a day or two, you’ll soon get used to them and won’t even notice they’re there. Molar bands are an important part of your braces and will help give you an amazing new smile.
Are you ready for braces? Schedule an appointment for braces treatment in Annapolis, MD, Kent Island, MD, or Denton, MD, to see what kind of treatment plan Smiles by the Bay can provide for you!