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We’re getting ready to put braces on your teeth, which will be around for several months. How do we bond brackets to teeth? Will we be able to take them off again? 

Some patients get a little nervous when discussing braces cement or bonding in orthodontics. We assure you that our bonding agent for braces and orthodontic treatment at Smiles by the Bay is safe, nontoxic, and removable. Let’s talk about how we bond braces to your teeth.

bonding braces

What Is Bonding in Orthodontics?

Braces bonding or bonding in orthodontics refers to using a bonding agent or dental cement to attach brackets, bands, or orthodontic appliances to your teeth. Some bonding agents work by themselves and are called no-mix bonding agents. 

Others combine two resins to create a two-paste mix. This composite resin is placed on both the tooth and the bracket. 

What Happens During the Braces Bonding Process?

How do we bond orthodontics to your teeth? There are two main ways to bond brackets to your teeth — direct bonding and indirect bonding. Direct bonding places the brackets on each tooth one at a time. Indirect bonding places the brackets on a mold to position them correctly then transfers the brackets onto your teeth in groups or all at once. 

We’ll start by using a device to keep your mouth and lips open so we can dry your teeth. Your teeth must be dry for the bonding agent to adhere correctly. 

Next, we’ll add an acidic etching substance that “roughens” your enamel at the microscopic level, making it rough enough for the adhesive to bond better. Don’t worry! You won’t see the difference, and it won’t hurt you or your teeth.

We’ll then apply a primer and the bonding paste. We’ll brush some paste onto your bracket and attach it to the tooth. With indirect bonding, we’ll apply all the brackets at once. 

Once the brackets are on your teeth, we must cure the bonding agent. We do this with special blue lights that dry the brackets bonding much faster than if we let it dry on its own. 

We then attach the archwire over your brackets, and that’s it! Your new braces are on, and you’re ready to go!

Your teeth will likely be sore for the first couple of days, and we want you to be gentle with your brackets to ensure the dental cement curing is complete. We recommend you stick to soft foods for the first few days after getting your braces.

braces in annapolis md

What Happens if a Bracket Bond Fails? 

The bonding agent we use at Smiles by the Bay is strong and reliable and rarely fails. Occasionally, a bracket may not set correctly and may pop off your tooth. Here is what you should do if that happens. 

  1. Save the bracket if you can. The archwire and elastics most likely will hold it. In those cases, you can put dental wax over it to affix it to the tooth until you can come into the office. If the bracket comes out, save it in a plastic bag and bring it into the office. 
  2. Call us right away. We will make an appointment to reattach your bracket or place a new one. The sooner we can reattach your bracket, the better the chances we can keep your braces treatment on track. 
  3. If you accidentally swallow the bracket, don’t panic. The bracket is nontoxic and will likely pass through your digestive tract within 24 hours. (You don’t have to bring that one back.)

How Do You Remove Braces Bonding?

We use a special tool to remove your brackets and molar bands from your teeth. The tool resembles a set of pliers, but it’s specially made to wrap around the bracket and dislodge it from your tooth without damaging the enamel. 

Once all the brackets are removed, we will use a unique polishing tool to grind off any bonding agent still on your teeth. We’ll then clean your teeth to ensure all of the braces bonding is gone, as well as any plaque that might have been hiding under your braces brackets. 

You’ll be left with a clean, straight, healthy smile! 

orthodontist in annapolis

Will Braces Bonding Stain My Teeth?

Our dental bonding agent is made to look clear on the teeth, so it should not stain your teeth. However, if you don’t regularly brush your teeth with braces, you could end up with white spots on your teeth around the brackets. 

Plaque can build up around braces brackets and cause demineralization of your enamel. This leaves white spots where the enamel has been weakened. Once that happens, the damage is done, and your enamel cannot be rebuilt. Whitening your teeth may reduce the appearance of the white spots, but it won’t eliminate them. 

This is why you must brush and floss your teeth daily, even with braces! 

Braces Treatment in Annapolis, MD

You probably won’t get braces on your first visit to Smiles by the Bay visit. You may get them on your second visit if you don’t need treatment with other orthodontic appliances first, such as a palate expander or a tongue crib. 

Expect your visit to take 1-2 hours to place your braces. We’ll get your braces on as quickly as possible, but we will also take enough time to do a great job. 

If you’re ready for braces treatment in Annapolis, MD, Kent Island, MD, or Denton, MD, schedule an appointment with Smiles by the Bay. We’re ready to bond your braces and give you the smile you’ve always wanted!

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