Mom, we know you’re at home being responsible and helping flatten the curve. We know that also means you’re in a confined space with kids, pets, and/or spouces that are constantly asking questions or needing attention.
We see you, tired Mama! We know you need a break!!!
So here are 5 things you can step away and do to help yourself relax that don’t involve hiding in a dark closet while eating a candy bar!
5 Things You Can Do To Help Yourself Relax
1.) Do it. Eat that candy.
Look, stepping away and eating a candy bar in the closet can be really relaxing. It’s totally an option. Just brush your teeth after.
2.) Read!
Take a moment to read a chapter of a book, an article, or a recipe. Read something that makes your brain feel good! Here’s a list of the best books (so far) of 2020.
3.) Listen to a podcast or audiobook!
Not really into reading? Try listening to a podcast or an audiobook that sparks your interest.
4.) Dancing, Yoga, or any kind of exercise really!
Exercising helps the body produce endorphins which act as a natural painkiller, improves the ability to sleep, and helps reduce stress!
5.) Take a hot bath.
This might sound cliche but there are few things more relaxing than taking a nice hot bath. Throw on some candles, your favorite relaxing tunes, and use that bath bomb that you forgot someone gave you for Christmas…or was it your birthday? Oh well. Now is the time to dig it out of that drawer and use it up.
Now, hop to it! Get those kids entertained for a minute and take a few minutes for yourself.
We Want You To Be At Your Very Best
Make sure you take a moment to breathe and relax!