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We are so thrilled to launch our new website, and we hope you’ll stay for a minute to look around! We’re still looking around and kicking the tires a bit ourselves! Those of you who have used our site in the past may be wondering why we went for a redesign.

One driving factor was that we wanted our online presence to reflect the VIP treatment you’ll experience at Smiles by the Bay. We’re always looking for ways to do better: to improve care, to communicate more clearly with patients, and to make our patients and their families feel comfortable. Those are important goals for us, so we know it’s not enough to make our office the best one in the area without a web-presence to match.

Why Build a New Website?

More often than not, today we research businesses from the safety of our mobile devices or computers before we ever reach out or visit their place of business. So for us, that means our website has to communicate clearly. It has to make patients and families feel comfortable with us, right from the start. If we fail to do that, then the relationship we want to foster might never get off the ground. That’s why we’ve redesigned our website! We want the quality of care and the personal attention you’ll get in our office to resonate with you before you ever stop by our office.

Much like orthodontic treatment, results like that don’t happen overnight. They happen because of a great plan and because of the work put into them. What you have before you is a result of months of hard work behind the scenes. So please take a look at our videos, our photos, our new blog posts, and the information about our team here at Smiles by the Bay! We think it looks great, and it has the added benefit of showing the world that we love what we do. That’s why we strive to do it well!

Everything is arranged for you. We tried to anticipate what you would want to know first and crafted the navigation of the site around that. In this way, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for easily and quickly. You can schedule an appointment in our office. You can get a free virtual consultation right from your phone. Or you can take a few minutes to browse around and get a feel for who we are.

Whatever you choose to do, we hope that what you find is an accurate representation of who we are!

Smiles by the Bay

This Team Truly Cares!

Happy patients are the best patients! We want to see you smile at every visit!

Design, video, photo, and branding by Clear Partnering Group.